ORDERThe first polish guide about the proper setting of a road bike
by Tamara Górecka-Werońska and Paweł Weroński.
First-hand knowledge, authorial method - 129PLN
Do you know that about 65% of people come forward for bikefitting because of backache?
Think of yourself during the rides, if:
⦁ your hands stiffen?
⦁ you feel pain in the cervical spine?
⦁ your saddle is uncomfortable?
Do you know that you are able to deal with 75% of these issues on your own?
Do you wonder how?
Identifying the problem is the most vital, then you find the solution and use proper methodology.
We have developed our authorial method - “Bike Fitting step by step” allowing you to set your road bike.
We have put our heart and soul into this project, sharing our rich, long-time experience, which made us one of the first bike fitters in Poland.
Our method is based on science as well as the elements of bikefitting’s creator, dr Andrew Pruitt’s methodology.
Do you know that Michał Kwiatkowski and Peter Sagan have become the World Champions in road racing?
How do you benefit?
You get many exercises, photographs, questions to ask yourself allowing you to be closer to your goal
You save money on a bike fitting session
You can avoid financial mistakes while choosing improper bike components
Your choices become more conscious
If you wonder if the book is for you, the answer is yes! You are among 60% of cyclists who want to set their bike position on their own. Each person’s motivation may be slightly different. It may be the need to know the reason for several conditions. Others want to know what the approach for proper position setting is. Some people do not have access to such services or simply can’t afford spending money on a professional session of Bike Fitting which costs more than 600 PLN.
Thanks to clear methodology we lead you step by step up to your goal, allowing you to set your bike position properly in just two days! Remember, you are not alone - the whole knowledge you get, may be easily passed to others - your wife, children or friends.
Become a Bike Fitting expert for your family!
Hi there, my name is Diana. When it comes to performing bike fitting with the guide I found the instructions very easy and intuitive, I had absolutely zero problem with the setup. I think that really anybody, who has used an imbus key at least once in his/ her life, will succeed. On longer rides I would very often feel pain in my lumbar section and my hands would go numb. I was always carrying the multi tool to manipulate my bike settings from time to time, but it would always be a guessing game. Since I bought the bike fitting guidebook I simply follow all the steps, according to the method so the bike fits my body capabilities. Since that time I haven’t had any single pain when cycling.
Ex-chairman of Polish Cycling Federation trainer, cyclist, cycling enthusiast
I’ve been cycling for over 50 years now - first as a pro-rider, then trainer and finally as a passionate amateur, simply for leisure purposes. I have always been a little bit jealous of Italian’s cycling mania, especially that in Poland back in early 2000 I would hardly meet anyone really into road cycling. But all has changed recently - now, regardless of the weather, we see dozens or even hundreds of cyclists, riding their bikes for the sake of well-being and health benefits. Many of them are also competing, which is best reflected by the rise of cyclosportive events for amateurs held each year. Tamara & Pawel have joined their efforts to describe the whole bike fitting process in a very user-friendly way. Thanks to many years of their hard work and experience, we obtain a complete guide with lots of pictures and descriptions, making the process of finding the right position on the bike accessible to every cycling amateur. And of course this being said - a good riding position is the key to comfortable, effective and performant cycling - and above all it’s safe to our body.
Hi, my name is Karolina. My goal for 2020 is to cover 200 km in one ride. I don’t like to follow close instructions, as usually they are too confusing and complicated. However, after reading this guidebook I was able to perform my very first bike fitting - all by myself! Now I know that I can ride further, faster and what’s most important - with no risk of injury. My biggest fear was if I would understand all the technical aspects - that’s why I asked my husband to give me a hand. We did all the set up together without any trouble and we actually ended up having a lot of fun during the process!
UCI cycling coach founder“Bike Fitting - step by step...” is definitely a book that Polish cycling literature market was missing. Even though I have spent almost 20 years in the cycling business - 10 as a professional rider
and 10 as a cycling coach and I truly
can say I still find some very practical information or things I simply forgot about before. This lecture will serve as a reference to every cyclist, whose position on the bike is not 100% comfortable, aerodynamic or just causes any pain. Many of us suffer from bad back sore during longer rides, numb or tingly fingers, burning in the lower back. I recommend this book to every amateur who wants to get more satisfaction from cycling or simply enjoy the ride to the fullest.
Gold medalist of Polish National Road Race Ceratizit–WNT Pro Cycling team riderPawel and Tamara are also among the people who supported me from the very beginning with their knowledge and experience. I discovered first-hand how much a good position on the bike changes the cycling performance, but what’s even more important - for the first time I could cycle completely pain- free! Very often I meet other cyclists who definitely need a proper bike fitting, so they start to enjoy the ride rather than suffer. When I ask them why they don’t change anything they would say : “you know, I am only an occasional, Sunday-rider - it will hurt a bit, but then it will go away eventually.” Sure the pain will go away - since you are young. But how about the future? Would be a pity not being able to lace your shoes properly later on...”
I am very happy for Tamara and Pawel for publishing the guide and sharing their precious knowledge. Now everyone can easily just flick through the book or download its digital version and quickly proceed with a proper set up of his / her own bike. All the complicated process has been described step-by-step, in detail, but in a very simple, digestible way. I guarantee you that after reading it you will not have much of a problem setting up a correct position. After all higher speed, power and no injuries is what we all seek for and what keeps us going! Go for it! Let’s fight together for our health, dreams and well-being!
We should above all enjoy the ride!
Cycling CoachThanks to the emergence of new technologies, bike parts manufacturers have started “race against the clock”, resulting in the transformation of modern bike frames, saddles, handlebars and cycling shoes. Around 10-15 years ago when American patents and methods were becoming more accessible in Poland I had just started to work as a cycling coach at KS Lubon Skomielna Biala club where I was training the youngest riders and juniors just at the beginning of their cycling career. Thanks to Profidea, we could benefit from the profesional methods of setting up the bike position. Let me be clear - at the time it was one of the very first companies using the modern bike fitting method - Body Geometry. The results of all the riders that we performed the bike fitting were skyrocketing - they had absolutely no more injuries related to incorrect position on the bike. We didn’t have to wait too long until they started to win the medals in Polish National Route Championships. It became a new norm to perform a complete bike fitting on each team member at least once a year. The whole group was progressing quickly, season after season, thanks to special focus we put on correct bike position - especially as they were still growing. This should become a habit also among more experienced riders - you will understand why after having read the book.
The educational layer of the book is beyond any doubts - it will provide answers to many questions that since a long time remained unanswered. This guide is also great for two more reasons. First it lets you almost effortlessly and intuitively set the bike up all by yourself - at home or at the club. Second, thanks to it’s versatility and understandable yet detailed instructions it can be used as a reference by coaches, athletes, amateurs or simply cycling enthusiasts. It explains clearly the bike fitting fundamentals and guides you step by step through the whole process. We are very lucky that Tamara and Pawel have actually found time to write it all up and share their expertise with us.
O autorze
About us
We are a highly operative married couple of the physiotherapist and the former professional road cyclist, sharing not only passion for cycling, but also the knowledge, experience and support for one another. Even though we both enjoy what we do, it does not mean we do not argue from time to time.
Tamara Górecka- Werońska (51 lat)
Qualified physiotherapist. A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education and Jagiellonian University in Kraków. The pioneer in women bike fitting in Poland.
The author of the numerous articles published in professional bike magazines (BikeBoard, Magazyn Rowerowy). The organizer of cycling conferences and a bike fitting lecturer. Polish champion of both road cycling and MTB competitions held by pharmaceutical companies.
The founder of Profidea, the female cycling association gathering hundreds of members. An area manager for the medical company Aesculap Chifa ltd
Paweł Weroński
Well-known among Krakow’s cyclists under the nickname “Professor”. He has been in the cycling business for 25 years now. For 16 years as a professional cyclist not only for Polish, but also international teams. Observation of modern trends within the cycling industry made him keen on bike fitting. Paweł combines the knowledge about cycling equipment with the skills he acquired and applied as a professional cyclist. During his cycling career he
has owned and tested thoroughly approximately 150 different road bikes. He is a member of the Trainers Institute of Sport Academy in Warsaw.
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